The role of physiotherapy in the success of a health action plan

4 min read

The Quebec Association of Physiotherapy welcomes the will of the Minister of Health and Social Services of Quebec to offer a “better health system to Quebecers”. In the wake of the presentation of the Government’s Action Plan and the measures envisaged by Mr. Christian Dubé, it becomes essential to value the contribution of physiotherapy professionals for an efficient reorganization of the network.

Access to the right professional at the right time is the cornerstone of improving the trajectory of care and the patient experience desired by Minister Christian Dubé. To achieve this, it will be necessary to change the vision of the roles to be played on the front line by other health professionals, such as physiotherapists.

About one in five patients consults a doctor for a musculoskeletal disorder and a majority of requests for consultations in orthopedic surgery are not well directed. Faced with this state of affairs, it is becoming urgent to apply new models of practice by making the expertise of physiotherapists accessible at the gateways to the health network, such as in consultation clinics within a group of physicians. of family (GMF) or in the corridors of the emergency.

Sharing of responsibilities

In its most recent report, the government affirms its intention to decompartmentalize the fields of practice of health and social services professionals. According to the AQP, the recognition of this sharing of responsibilities is necessary for the improvement of resource management.

Recently, the draft regulation allowing coverage by the Régie de l’Assurance Maladie du Québec (RAMQ) of x-rays prescribed by a physiotherapist was proposed in order to optimize interdisciplinarity in the management of acute musculoskeletal injuries and facilitate the access to additional examinations. This is in order to reduce unnecessary consultations with other health professionals for such care

Stay home with dignity

During the press conference, the government highlighted the success of the Verdun borough’s home support program. Unsurprisingly, the aging of the population translates into a growing demand for coordination efforts to be made in this sector. Physiotherapists and physiotherapy technologists play an important role in supporting the physical independence of older adults. Through their work in CLSCs, they reduce the risk of falls and deconditioning among this population, and thus keep individuals at home for as long as possible. And by extension, reduce the number of accommodation requests, for example in CHSLDs. The AQP would like to remind the government that the presence of physiotherapy professionals is essential in the community.

 When long COVID rhymes with physiotherapy

Since the beginning of the pandemic, physiotherapy professionals have responded by lending a hand at the front, in all sectors affected by COVID. They knew how to adapt and innovate in the face of this new reality. At the same time, the research sector has been a forerunner of a rehabilitation program for people with long COVID symptoms. Remember that almost 3 out of 10 people who have contracted the COVID virus can develop a long form of the disease.

Recently, the government announced a massive investment for the establishment of 15 clinics offering specialized and multidisciplinary care and services to patients struggling with long-term COVID. Several health professionals, including physiotherapists, will be involved in these interdisciplinary teams. The AQP is actively involved in promoting recognition of the importance of the specific rehabilitation needs of this population and all the projects deployed in this regard can only be applauded.

 A dynamic association for a healthy network

The Quebec Association of Physiotherapy brings together nearly 2,400 members from various fields of physiotherapy including the public and private sector of practice. Its mission is to mobilize all physiotherapy professionals in Quebec and to represent them in a strong, dynamic, influential way and to make physiotherapy a leading discipline in improving the health of the Quebec population.

 In this sense, the AQP considers that in order to develop a reorganization plan that truly meets the expectations of the population, it would be desirable for the government to take concrete action. Or the addition of more front-line physiotherapists such as emergency and GMF, as well as strengthening the presence of physiotherapy professionals in home support. These actions go hand in hand with Minister Christian Dubé’s Health Action Plan.

 It is undeniable that the pressure put on by the pandemic has cracked a health and social services network that was already having difficulty meeting the needs of an aging population. Today, the AQP offers its full collaboration to ensure the implementation of a clear plan on the integration of physiotherapists to aim for the improvement of the health system.

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